Talleres Feminasty

Feminasty es un festival cultural que expone el trabajo de artistas y activistas mujeres, trans y no binarias. En 2019 y 2020 fuimos invitados a participar y ofrecimos talleres sobre identidades LGBTQ+ , anatomía sexual, consentimiento y placer. Por suerte para nosotres, nuestro amigo Carlo Echegoyen, de Newsweek México, estuvo allí en 2019 e hizo este video.

Feminasty Workshops

Feminasty is a cultural festival that showcases the work of women, trans, and nonbinary artists and activists. Vulgar was invited to participate in 2019 and 2020 and we offered workshops on LGBTQ+ and gender rights, sexual anatomy, consent, and pleasure. Lucky for us, our friend Carlo Echegoyen of Newsweek Mexico was there in 2019 and made this video. 


Casa Equis